* Take the calculations FICO states and use 550 as your code breaker. This is the difference between your lowest score and your highest score. (300 minus 850 = 550)

To calculate how many points per Ingredient, divide the percentage into 550, this will provide you the approximate usage points per named ingredient in the table below.

Please Note: This does not mean that if you have 1 account that it will equal the total number calculated. You will need credit diversity to help obtain your full potential.

1.) 35% of your score is for your payment history. To know how many points you can earn up to for payment history divide 35% x 550 = 192.5 pts.
2.) 30% divided x 550 = 165 pts    ( balance owed )
3.) 15 % divided x 550 = 82.5 pts   (length of credit history )
4.) 10 % divided x 550 = 55 pts     ( new credit )
5.) 10 % divided x 550 = 55 pts     ( types of credit )