Your credit score is generated by information on your credit report, but is not part of the credit report itself. There are several ways you can access your credit score:

  • Credit card issuers: Some credit card companies provide free access to your credit score as part of their services.
  • Banks: Many banks offer credit score tracking services for their customers, often accessible through online banking platforms.
  • Credit monitoring services: There are numerous credit monitoring services available that provide access to your credit score as well as credit reports. Some of these
  • services offer free trials or limited free access.

  • Credit bureaus: You can request your credit score directly from the major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion). They may charge a fee for this service.
  • Nonprofit credit counseling agencies: Some nonprofit organizations offer free or low-cost credit counseling services that may include access to your credit score.

Remember to regularly check your credit score from reliable sources to stay informed about your financial health.