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Fixing Credit For 18 Years

  • Attorney-Backed Services
  • Free Credit Score
  • Free Credit Report
  • Free Report Assessment
  • No Upfront Cost

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What issues have you noticed on your credit report?

What Are The Top Common Credit Reporting Violations?

  • Inaccurate Information: Reporting outdated or incorrect information such as wrong account statuses, balances, or personal information.
  • Failure to Conduct a Proper Dispute Investigation: Credit reporting agencies (CRAs) must investigate disputes from consumers about inaccuracies in their credit reports within 30 days. Failure to properly investigate or correct errors can be a violation.
  • Reinsertion of Incorrect Information: If incorrect information is removed as a result of a consumer dispute but later reinserted without notifying the consumer within five business days, it is a violation.
  • Furnisher Violations: Entities that furnish information to CRAs (like banks or debt collectors) must provide accurate data and conduct investigations when a dispute is forwarded by the CRA. Failure to correct or verify the data is a violation.
  • Improper Disclosure of Credit Reports: CRAs can only provide credit reports to those with a valid need as defined in the FCRA, such as creditors, insurers, or landlords. Providing access to others without permissible purpose is a violation.
  • Failure to Provide Notice: Consumers must be notified about adverse actions taken against them based on their credit report. This includes denials of credit, employment, insurance, or rental applications. Failure to provide these notices is a violation.
  • Identity Theft and Mixed Files: CRAs must have procedures to handle cases of identity theft or mixed files (where one person’s information is mixed with another’s). Poor handling or resolution of these issues can lead to violations.

These violations can result in legal consequences for the CRAs, furnishers, and users of credit reports. Consumers affected by such violations may have the right to seek damages through legal action.

Learn How Our Attorney-Backed Credit Repair Surpasses the Competition!

Credit repair involves identifying and correcting inaccuracies or errors on your credit report through compliant investigations, legal disputes, and, if necessary, court actions against creditors or credit reporting agencies on your behalf.

  • We leverage legal expertise to ensure thorough and compliant credit report investigations.
  • Our team has facilitated millions of credit report removals, credit report debt releases, and earned settlement funds from credit report damages.
  • We provide personalized, aggressive advocacy to protect your consumer credit rights, to improve your financial standing and credit scores.

Choose for a trusted, effective approach to credit repair, backed by legal professionals dedicated to your success. Don’t waste your investment on the wrong provider.

Factors that can Negatively Impact your Credit Scores:

Several factors can negatively impact your credit score, which is essential for securing favorable terms on loans, credit cards, and other financial products. Here are the primary elements that can harm your credit score:

  • Late or Missed Payments
  • High Credit Utilization
  • Derogatory Marks
  • Hard Inquiries
  • Errors on Your Credit Report
  • Ignoring Collection Accounts

Maintaining a healthy credit score requires regular monitoring and good credit habits. Here are some essential strategies:

  • Paying Bills on Time: Consistently make your payments by their due dates.
  • Keeping Balances Low: Aim to use less than 30% of your available credit.
  • Routinely Checking Your Credit Report for Errors: Regularly review your credit reports for inaccuracies.
  • Diversifying Your Credit Mix: Having a mix of credit types, such as installment loans and credit cards, can positively impact your score.
  • Keeping Old Accounts Open: Length of credit history matters, so avoid closing old accounts unnecessarily.
  • Limiting New Credit Applications: Only apply for new credit when necessary to avoid multiple hard inquiries.
  • Setting Up Payment Reminders: Use alerts or automatic payments to ensure you never miss a due date.
  • Working with Credit Repair Services: Seek professional help to address significant credit issues and disputes.
  • Building an Emergency Fund: Having savings can prevent you from relying on credit during financial emergencies.
  • Managing Debt Responsibly: Create and stick to a budget to ensure you can manage and repay your debts effectively.

By implementing these tips, you can strengthen your credit profile and secure better financial opportunities. If you require servces, we are here to assist.

Below, Discover Why Our Dashboard Makes Us the Better Choice!

2024 Top Credit Repair Companies Comparison: Fees, Guarantees, and Services

FEATURE / COMPANY Credit1Solutions Credit Saint Lexington Law Sky Blue Credit Credit Glory The Credit Pros Ovation Credit Services CreditRepair The Credit People
INITIAL FEE $99.95 $99 - $195 $89.95 - $129.95 $79 $199 - $299 $119 - $149 $89 - $119 $99.95 - $139.95 $19 - $99
MONTHLY FEE $49.95 - $149.95 $79.99 - $119.99 $99.95 - $129.95 $79 $99 $69 - $149 $79 - $109 $69.95 - $119.95 $79
Free Consultation ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
90-Day Money-Back Guarantee ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Credit Monitoring ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Personalized Account Manager ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
24/7 Customer Support ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
A+ BBB Member ✔️ ✔️
FICO Certified Staff ✔️
DF Certified ✔️
Certified Credit Counseling Agency ✔️
Non-Profit Service Provider ✔️ (Pending)
Legal Support
Licensed Attorneys on Staff ✔️ ✔️
Attorney Support for Credit Report Violations ✔️

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Register for free, with zero payment due for 3 to 10 days. Choose your preferred payment date within this time-frame. If you continue after your trial period, the fee is, $99.95 for services rendered, with the monthly rate ranging from $49.95, $99.95, $149.95 thereafter.

You may cancel your subscription anytime with a 100% Money Back Guarantee*

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Struggling with Credit Issues?
Take Our Quiz.
We Can Help You!

  1. What concerns you most about your current credit situation?
    • High interest rates on loans or credit cards
    • Denied loan or credit card applications
    • Errors on my credit report
    • Identity theft issues
    • Preparing to buy a home or car
  2. How often do you check your credit report?
    • Regularly (once a month or more)
    • Occasionally (a few times a year)
    • Rarely (once a year)
    • Never
  3. Have you ever been denied credit in the past year?
    • Yes, more than once
    • Yes, once
    • No, but I haven’t applied because I fear denial
    • No
  4. What is your primary goal for improving your credit score?
    • Qualify for better interest rates
    • Increase my chances of getting approved for loans or credit cards
    • Improve my financial health
    • Purchase a home or vehicle
    • Other (Please specify)
  5. Do you know what factors are currently affecting your credit score negatively?
    • Yes, I am fully aware
    • Somewhat, but I need more clarity
    • No, I have no idea
  6. How urgent is your need to repair your credit?
    • Immediate – I need results as soon as possible
    • Moderate – It’s important, but not urgent
    • Low – I’m just beginning to explore my options
  7. Are you aware of any incorrect information on your credit report?
    • Yes, and I need help disputing it
    • I suspect there might be errors
    • No, I believe my report is accurate

Unauthorized credit report inquiry

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